Math and Science Academy, 8430 Woodbury Crossing, Woodbury MN 55125
Phone Attendance: (651) 578-8061
Phone Main Line: (651) 578-7507

Student Parking on the MSA Campus

Parking Enforcement Begins September 2023.

Throughout the school day the MSA parking lots will be monitored and periodically patrolled by an MSA staff member. If someone is parked in your assigned spot, report it to the Building B office immediately. No one should park in a numbered parking spot without a corresponding parking permit. Parking without a permit may result in a fine or towing. License plate numbers will be recorded.

1st Offense: A warning. Upon a vehicle's first offense a warning sticker will be placed on the driver's side window.
2nd Offense: A fine. Upon a vehicle's second offense a violation sticker will be placed on the driver's side window and a fee of $35 will be applied to the student's account.
3rd Offense: Tow. Upon a vehicle's third consecutive offense the vehicle will be towed at the owner's expense.

Starting in the 2023-2024 school year all parking spots on the MSA campus will be assigned to staff and students. There will be no unassigned spots, so everyone who wishes to park must have an assigned spot. 

  • Students may apply for the opportunity to purchase a parking permit at the beginning of the school year and, if any spots are available, at the beginning of the second semester. 
  • Full-year parking permits permits cost $100; Semester parking permits cost $50.
  • Parking permits will be prioritized in the following order: part-time PSEO students, out-of-district students, then grade level (seniors, juniors, sophomores).

Parents and students should familiarize themselves with MSA's new Parking and Student Driving Procedures.

Parking Permit applications for the 24-25 school year are currently OPEN.

Parking Lot Procedures for Morning Drop-Off and Afternoon Pick-Up

MSA Families, please familiarize yourself with the morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up procedures.

  • Student safety is our number one priority.
  • Buses require a large amount of space to maneuver, please yield to them.
  • Follow all parking lot monitors' directions.
  • Utilize safe driving practices including following posted speed limits, obeying traffic signs, and yielding to pedestrians.
  • Respect our neighbors (residents and businesses) by not blocking their driveways, driving on their lawns, or preventing their clients from reaching them.
  • Students are only able to enter school buildings after 9:00am (unless if they are meeting with a teacher, coach, or advisor). Paid study hall option is available.
  • All "non-bus riding" students are dismissed at 4:00pm. Try not to arrive any earlier than 4:00pm as to allow buses to leave in a timely manner and alleviate traffic congestions.
  • Do not leave your vehicle unattended in the pick-up/drop-off lane. Vehicles are not allowed to be parked in the roundabout.
  • Do not skip the parent pick up line, you will be asked to return to the back of the line.
  • Do not text/call/ask your students to walk down the parent pick up line. This is dangerous and causes congestion.
  • Students are required to be off MSA property by 4:30pm (unless if they are meeting with a teacher, coach, or advisor). Students waiting for rides must do so off campus.

Morning Drop-Off for Building A:

  1. Upon arrival, please stay in the left lane. 
  2. Following the parking lot monitors' instructions, please pull all the way forward and stop as close as possible to the designated location marked "A."
  3. Quickly and safely unload student(s).
  4. Safely merge with other exiting traffic and exit by making a right turn onto Woodbury Crossing.

Morning Drop-Off for Building B:

  1. Upon arrival, stay in the right lane.
  2. Following the parking lot monitors' instructions, pull all the way forward and stop as close as possible to the designated location marked "B."
  3. Quickly and safely unload student(s).
  4. Safely merge into the left lane with other exiting traffic and exit by making a right turn onto Woodbury Crossing.

Afternoon Pick-Up for Building A:

  1. Upon arrival, merge over to the left lane.
  2. Once you're passed Building B, following the parking lot monitors' instructions, merge into the right lane and pull all the way forward and stop as close as possible to the designated location marked "A."
  3. Quickly and safely load student(s).
  4. Safely merge with other exiting traffic and exit by making a right turn onto Woodbury Crossing.
  5. To ensure smooth traffic flow, please make only a right turn onto Pioneer Drive.

Afternoon Pick-Up for Building B:

  1. Upon arrival, follow the parking lot monitor's instructions and pull all the way forward and stop as close as possible to the designated location marked "B."
  2. Quickly and safely load student(s).
  3. Safely merge into the left lane with other exiting traffic and exit by making a right turn onto Woodbury Crossing.
  4. To ensure smooth traffic flow, please make only a right turn onto Pioneer Drive.

MSA Parking Lot Flow (1).jpg

Math and Science Academy
8430 Woodbury Crossing
Woodbury MN 55125
Hours: Click Here For Details

Main School Line: (651) 578-7507
Attendance Line: (651) 578-8061
General Fax: (651) 578-7532
Student Records Fax: (651) 800-4600

The MSA Dragon

Authorizer Contact:
Liz Wynne - Director
(763) 557-6676 |
P.O. Box 581639
Minneapolis, MN 55458-1639

Authorizer Performance Commendable Rank From Minnesota Department of Education