Math and Science Academy, 8430 Woodbury Crossing, Woodbury MN 55125
Phone Attendance: (651) 578-8061
Phone Main Line: (651) 578-7507


MCA Testing Day

School Wide:Yes

Tuesday, April 12th is an MCA testing day. 6th-8th graders are taking the math MCA. 9th graders are taking the science MCA. 10th graders are taking the reading MCA. 11th graders are taking the math MCA. Seniors will stay home. Students will report to school at their normal times, and will be in their ADVISORY classrooms at 9:20. Test ending times are different by grade: 10th/11th graders will test until 11:53, at which time they will be done and will go eat lunch until 12:20. 10th grade will eat in the Great Hall and 11th grade will eat in the Gym. When they are done eating, they will return to their Advisory classrooms for free time of the teacher's choosing until 1:14. 6th/7th graders will test until 12:20, at which time they will be done and will go eat lunch until 12:47. 6th grade will eat in the Great Hall and 7th grade will eat in the Gym. When they are done eating, they will return to their Advisory classrooms for free time of the teacher's choosing until 1:14. 8th/9th graders will test until 12:47, at which time they will be done and go eat lunch until 1:14. 8th grade will eat in the Great Hall and 9th grade will eat in the Gym. Everyone will then go to their 5th, 6th and 7th period classrooms. Students may also be picked up from school after the MCA by a parent, and students who can drive may leave. 10th/11th graders will test until 11:53, at which time they will be done and will go eat lunch until 12:20. 10th grade will eat in the Great Hall and 11th grade will eat in the Gym. When they are done eating, they will return to their Advisory classrooms for free time of the teacher's choosing until 1:14. 6th/7th graders will test until 12:20, at which time they will be done and will go eat lunch until 12:47. 6th grade will eat in the Great Hall and 7th grade will eat in the Gym. When they are done eating, they will return to their Advisory classrooms for free time of the teacher's choosing until 1:14. 8th/9th graders will test until 12:47, at which time they will be done and go eat lunch until 1:14. 8th grade will eat in the Great Hall and 9th grade will eat in the Gym. Everyone will then go to their 5th, 6th and 7th period classrooms. Students may also be picked up from school after the MCA by a parent, and students who can drive may leave.

Math and Science Academy
8430 Woodbury Crossing
Woodbury MN 55125
Hours: Click Here For Details

Main School Line: (651) 578-7507
Attendance Line: (651) 578-8061
General Fax: (651) 578-7532
Student Records Fax: (651) 800-4600

The MSA Dragon

Authorizer Contact:
Liz Wynne - Director
(763) 557-6676 |
P.O. Box 581639
Minneapolis, MN 55458-1639

Authorizer Performance Commendable Rank From Minnesota Department of Education