PSEO Task Force
Purpose: The goal of this task force is to research and determine if PSEO students should receive weighted grades for their PSEO classes. If they should receive weighted credit, we will also need to determine a process that identifies which classes should receive credit and how much credit they should receive.
Task Force Leadership: BOD member
People on Task Force: BOD members, teachers, parents
Meeting: Monday, September 25, 2017 at 8:00 a.m., Building A, room 4A
(Additionally, there will be an Open Forum at the November 6, 2017 Parent Meeting at 5:30 pm. Building and room TBA.)
Chair’s responsibilities: to plan and facilitate meetings, and report the findings and recommendations of the task force to the BOD
Task Force Members’ Responsibilities: to review documents and statutes, provide feedback, and volunteer for specific tasks as needed
Please email if you have any questions.